
Friday, December 9, 2016

R.I.P. Grandma Sue

[I'm sorry that I've gone AWOL as of late, but life has become busier in the recent months, and I've been working more, which leaves less time for doing thorough research and such.]

In your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul if my grandmother-in-law.  She passed away yesterday, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, after almost a two year battle with cancer--a battle which she fought valiantly.

I really only got to know her during that time, as she was diagnosed shortly after her grandson and I became engaged.  Her daughters or granddaughters could give her a much more worthy tribute here, with countless examples of her valor throughout her life, but I'm going to do my best to do her justice.

Grandma Sue welcomed me into my new family with open arms, even before the wedding itself.  (Truth be told, it was probably from the moment her grandson and I started dating!)  It's sad for me to think that everyone else who marries into the family won't have known her, even for the small amount of time that I did, but it also makes me feel so lucky and blessed to have had her in my life. 

Living out of state, we didn't get to see as much of Grandma as we would have liked, but whenever we came to town and were able to spend time with her, I was amazed by her cheerful and positive attitude, despite the inconvenience, discomfort, and pain caused by her illness.  She was always smiling, telling stories, and fully enjoying each moment with her family. 

Her Catholic Faith, especially her devotion to Our Lady, was seamlessly woven into her life so that it was inseparable from life itself.  From the time of her diagnosis to her final hours, she carried her Cross without complaints and was ever ready to accept God's Will in all things.

That she held on for so long, and rallied after so many "close calls" is a testament to the power of prayer, but also to her resilient spirit.  She stayed with us long enough to prepare her soul for death, and for her family and loved ones to prepare themselves to say a final goodbye. In the end, though, Christ and Our Lady took her to themselves on such a beautiful feast day.

So please pray for her, and for her family.


  1. Thank you for writing this! She will be missed!

  2. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen!
