
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Prayer for Wednesday

Sometimes the problem with posting in the morning is that my brain isn't entirely turned on and tuned in.  So, I missed my chance to give St. Rose of Lima a special post on her feast day.  But here it is, a day late.

Admirable St. Rose, you were truly a sweet flower blooming on a rugged soil: you were indeed a rose among thorns, bearing with meekness the stings of envious tongues, and preserving perfect purity and modesty amid the alluring blandishments of a deceitful world.
By the merits which you have thus gained with our divine Lord, obtain for me the grace to bear my afflictions with patience, to remain pure and modest, to be meek and humble, and to be faithful to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost, so that I may be ever more pleasing and acceptable in the sight of my dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Golden Train

By Edmund Blair Leighton

I must confess, I just really like the dress in this one. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

100th Post!

Happy Monday!

Wanted to just send out a quick thank you to all of you who read and follow the Valiant Woman Project, and especially to my valiant sister who's generously been giving her time to carefully proof-read my posts for me.

I would love any feedback from y'all about what you'd like more of, less of, anything different you'd like to see, or just any comments you may have.

God bless, and have a great week!

Friday, August 26, 2016

A Verse for Friday

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blessed Maria Theresa Quevedo

For years I’ve been hearing about this book called Mary was Her Life, and everyone who has read it says what an inspiring story it is. Though I have yet to read it, here is the story of Blessed Teresita, the young Spanish girl who made Mary her life. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


By Edmund Blair Leighton

Monday, August 22, 2016

From Yesterday's Gospel

Behold the birds of the air; for they neither sow nor do they reap, nor gather into barns, and your heavenly Father feedeth them.  Are not you of much more value than they?...
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they labor not, neither do they spin; but I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. ...
Seek ye therefore first the Kingdom of God, and His justice; and all these things shall be added unto you.

So here's to being a lily!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Here's to good, clean fun!

Happy Friday!  Have a fun-filled weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Mrs. Maria VanderPutten, R.I.P. -- Life, Love and a Legacy

Today's post is actually from a Catholic women's bog called Finer Femininity.  It's the story of the author's mother-in-law, a valiant woman living in our day and age.

Please follow the link to the post, and while you're there, check out some of her other posts.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Here's to being ordinary!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Funny for Tuesday

"I'm a Catholic, a practicing Catholic.  And my wife will tell you, I need the practice."
- Jim Gaffigan

What a great way to think about it.  So much to practice. :)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wishing you a blessed Feast of the Assumption!

Here's some non-typical art for your Monday.

When traveling, one of my favorite things to do is church-hopping.  Probably the most beautiful church I have ever seen in the United States is St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, Kentucky.  (It's just over the river from Cincinnati.) If you're ever in the area, it's a must must must see!

The Cathedral's facade is modeled on Notre Dame de Paris, and the interior is Gothic in design.  There are a total of 82 stained glass windows, and this one is among the largest in the world:

The top is a picture of Christ crowning the Blessed Virgin, and the bottom is a picture of the Council of Ephasus (5th cent.) which declared Our Lady to be the Mother of God.

Here's a close-up of the top:
(A Sister I met a few years ago pointed out that the Feast of the Assumption would also be the Feast of the Coronation of Our Lady because it would have taken place as soon as she arrived in Heaven.  "No need to have a dress rehearsal," she said.)

And here's the exterior.
(Told you. Mini Notre Dame.  In Kentucky.)

For more information about this magnificent structure, and more lovely pictures, here's the website:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Obscure Sacrifices

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Queen Mother Part II

When we left Elizabeth and Bertie, they were happily married and raising their two daughters.  They were able to balance their public duties with their personal lives in a way that allowed them to lead almost normal lives.  But that was all about to change.

Elizabeth and her daughters

King George V had died, leaving David to lead the country as King Edward VIII.  But David was smitten with Mrs. Simpson, the twice-divorced American, and insisted on marrying her, a thing he could not do, as the head of the Church of England.  So he abdicated, and Bertie became King George VI, a role which, as a second son, he had never expected to play.  He was terrified and felt completely unprepared.  It was only Elizabeth’s constant, loving support which got him through.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

For the Homeschooling Moms

ABCs by Jessie Wilcox Smith

All set for back to school?  Homeschooling always looks just like this, right? :)

Monday, August 8, 2016

Do not be in a hurry.

Some advice from the boss.

Friday, August 5, 2016

A Psalm for Friday

Canticle of Moses

Let us sing unto the Lord:
for He is gloriously magnified...
The Lord is my strength and my praise:
and He is become salvation unto me.
He is my God, and I will glorify Him.

Exodus, 15

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Queen Mother: Part I

If you haven’t seen the wonderful Colin Firth movie The King’s Speech, you really should.  It’s got some fantastic actors; it’s moving, heartwarming, educational, and wonderfully funny at times.  (Caveat: There’s a bit of swearing, one scene is loaded with it, but it’s for speech therapy reasons.) It also has perhaps the most normal character Helena Bonham Carter has ever played – Queen Elizabeth.  Not Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Elizabeth II, but Queen Elizabeth, known as the Queen consort of King George VI, and after his death, the Queen Mother.  She was an incredible lady.  Hers was a life of generous, loving service, devoted to her husband, her children, and her country. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Thought on Modesty

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Young Gardener

George Dunlap Leslie

Monday, August 1, 2016