
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Valiant Vignette

I've got a couple of larger projects going right now, so this week I'm just going to give you a quick look at a valiant woman. Her name is Leopoldine von Tegetthoff and she lived in Austria during the 1800s. Her husband was a military man, and a very strict disciplinarian. One of her five sons went on to be the greatest naval hero Austria had even known.

In the biography of her son, we are given of glimpse of this lady, who had to manage her household with her husband's very small income, but still keep of the appearances of being wealthy for the sake of his military rank, in addition to keeping her home a peaceful and cheerful place, in spite of her husband's temper and bad moods. We are told that she "loved fulfilling the duties of her household with deft hands, in order to be able to dedicate herself entirely to her children in her free hours."

Just a beautiful little look into the life of an everyday valiant woman!

1 comment:

  1. Good inspiration to work hard in order to play hard!
