
Monday, May 16, 2016

Prayer for the Right Partner in Life

Dear Jesus, I know that You are calling me to serve You in the married state. I know, too, that it calls for self-sacrifice courage and guidance of the Holy Ghost. It will not be easy to live as a true Catholic parent, to put the interests of You and Your Church before those of my sometimes selfish heart. But, Lord, I know You will give me all the graces to live as a holy and happily married Catholic. Of all these graces, Lord, the greatest for which I ask is the right partner who will share with me all I have, all I am, and all I will be. Guide me in the choice, Jesus. Help me fall in love with the one person who will strengthen me through life's tears and inspire me to see all the goodness and happiness of two people living together with You, their dear God, in their midst. Amen.


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I prayed this every day for probably four or five years... It so beautiful and, while mainly for those not yet married, it is a wonderful meditation for those who are!

  2. I agree. I haven't looked at it since becoming engaged, and there are great bits for meditation for the married folk.
