
About this Blog

The Valiant Woman Project is my effort to discover the meaning of true womanhood by looking at examples of women in history, literature, the Bible, film, etc. who embody feminine virtues.  Along the way, I hope to find encouragement in my own efforts to become a valiant woman, and perhaps I can do the same for others.

Not every women included here is perfect, of course.  These are real women living in the real world.  I try to approach each subject with this in mind, and praise the virtues without approving of the faults.

The purpose of this blog is not to give "advice" as such, because I'm no expert.  I'm still trying to define things like "valor" and "womanhood."  I'm still trying to figure out how to be a Catholic woman living in the modern world.  As I continue to learn about more and more extraordinary women, and share my discoveries, I hope to figure it out, bit by bit.

And a little bit about me--I'm a Catholic wife and former teacher, with interests in all things literary, historical, and German.  I love good stories and sharing them with others.  I could live on dark chocolate and avocados, and one of my most prized possessions is my trusty minivan.