
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Queen Isabella, Part Two: The Queen

Queen Isabella of Castile’s reign was one of almost constant activity. We’re going to look at the highlights one by one, but keep in mind that many of these overlapped with each other, meaning that while Isabella was visiting the front lines during the war in Granada, she was also in the process of reforming Castilian legal code, keeping tabs on the proceedings of the Inquisition, and meeting with an Italian explorer who wanted to reach the East by sailing west.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Queen Isabella of Spain, Servant of God: Part One: The Princess

Note: This is going to be a three part series with lots of history. Isabella and the events of her life are so woefully misunderstood today, even to the point of being incorrectly taught in Catholic schools, that there’s a need for extra details. Of course, if you want even more details, I highly recommend her biography written by William Thomas Walsh. It’s a fascinating and a wonderfully Catholic and factual account of her life. Isabella of Spain: The Last Crusader

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Spring Break

Taking a week off over here, but tune in next week to learn about one of the most incredible women in history--Queen Isabella of Spain!

God bless!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Dear Margaret Remembers That for Me

Today we’re going to do something a little bit different—a song! Dedicated to all those women who are caregivers for family members and loved ones, and all those in the nursing and medical profession.

The Dutchman is a song written by Michael Peter Smith in 1968 about an elderly married couple living in Amsterdam, Holland. The husband is never named, only referred to as “the Dutchman,” and his wife is Margaret. The Dutchman is frail and forgetful, and beginning to lose his grip on reality. Margaret cares for him, and she protects him from the world. She lovingly patches his coat and helps him walk through the cobbled streets. She doesn’t let other people see him at his worst. When she looks at him, the first thing she sees is the man she loves, the man she married. What a beautiful portrait of selflessness and love!

Liam Clancy does a lovely rendition of the song with Tommy Makem, and he has some neat insights into the song as well. With that, I’ll hand it over to them:
The Dutchman--Makem and Clancy

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Saint Bathilde: A Catholic Cinderella

Every once in a while I happen upon a story that simply must be told. All other plans for the blog were put on hold as soon as I heard the story of St. Bathilde. Her humility and generosity are inspiring, and the story of her life reads like a fairy tale, but one that is true and Catholic.